Entry date | June 16, 2013 11:38 +1GMT
| Last update | June 16, 2013 22:06 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 10932
Name | The ch MLC
Common Names | CBP, Myosin, Myosin - Light Chain, Myosin - Light Chain 1
Biological Function | Myosins
Links to Molecule Sequences | The ch MLC - Q9DEA9 - UNIPROT, The ch MLC - Q9IB19 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | The ch - Discover Life, The ch - 1042646 - NCBI, The ch - 1042646 - UniProt, The ch - 164722 - ITIS, The ch - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Theragra chalcogramma on Google images | Tissues | Muscle
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2013: 20130429, Tomm JM