Entry date | July 20, 2003 18:56 +1GMT
| Last update | August 29, 2013 16:54 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 1094
Name | Sola l Peroxidase
Common Names | Peroxidase
Biological Function | Peroxidases
Links to Molecule Sequences | Sola l Peroxidase - P15003 - UNIPROT, Sola l Peroxidase - P15004 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Sola l - Discover Life, Sola l - 4081 - NCBI, Sola l - 4081 - UniProt, Sola l - 521671 - ITIS, Sola l - Wikipedia
Tissues | Fruit
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2013: 20130613, Welter S
2012: 20120720, Santiago HC
2007: 20070907, Soeria-Atmadja D
- 20070108, Faurobert M
2003: 20030720, Weangsripanaval T
1989: 19891012, Roberts E
Molecular Biology 2013: 20130613, Welter S
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2013: 20130613, Welter S
2003: 20030720, Weangsripanaval T
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2013: 20130613, Welter S