Entry date | September 24, 2002 12:00 +1GMT
| Last update | December 8, 2012 18:43 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 12
Name | Alt a 1.0102
Common Names | Alt a 1-related, rb51
Biological Function | Unknown
Links to Molecule Sequences | Alt a 1.0102 - Q6Q128 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Alt a - 194497 - ITIS, Alt a - 5599 - NCBI, Alt a - 5599 - UniProt, Alt a - Discover Life, Alt a - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Alternaria alternata on Google images | Tissues | Whole Body
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
References | Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2004: 20041031, Chapman MD