Entry date | August 22, 2005 18:57 +1GMT
| Last update | December 12, 2014 19:31 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 2732
Name | Pen si
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Pen si - 69488 - NCBI, Pen si - 69488 - UniProt, Pen si - Discover Life, Pen si - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Penicillium simplicissimum on Google images | Tissues | Whole Body
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
References | Biochemistry 2012: 20120206, Houbraken J
2005: 20050805, Vijay,HM
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2005: 20050805, Vijay,HM
Detection - Indoor Environment 2005: 20050125, Hubert J
Detection - Outdoor Environment 2011: 20111205, Rojas T
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2004: 20040209, Hossain MA