Entry date | February 21, 2006 10:46 +1GMT
| Last update | April 23, 2016 13:07 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 2862
Name | Hel a 3
Common Names | LTP
Biological Function | Lipid Transfer Proteins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Hel a 3.0101
Links to Molecule Sequences | Hel a 3.0101 - P82007 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Hel a - Discover Life, Hel a - 36616 - ITIS, Hel a - 4232 - NCBI, Hel a - 4232 - UniProt, Hel a - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Helianthus annuus on Google images | Tissues | Seed
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20140606, Morales M
2013: 20130113, Berecz B
2010: 20101221, Gadermaier G
- 20100413, Yagami A
2009: 20090428, Pagnussat LA
2007: 20070521, Finkina EI
2005: 20050712, Gonorazky AG
- 20050217, Regente MC
2003: 20030410, Regente M
2000: 20001012, Regente MC
1990: 19900211, Arondel V
Molecular Biology 2003: 20030410, Regente M
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2012: 20120815, Couto M
2010: 20100413, Yagami A
2007: 20070115, Vassilopoulou E
2005: 20050712, Gonorazky AG
2000: 20001012, Regente MC
Detection - Source Tissues 2009: 20090428, Pagnussat LA
2005: 20050712, Gonorazky AG
Epidemiology 2013: 20131230, Burney PG
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140224, Incorvaia C
2013: 20131122, Wolbing F
- 20130201, Karoui O
2011: 20110509, Garcia BE
2010: 20100628, Egger M
- 20100118, Hauser M
2009: 20091006, Alessandri C
2007: 20070430, Richard C