Entry date | July 8, 2009 08:46 +1GMT
| Last update | July 25, 2019 07:45 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 6589
Name | Sch c
Molecules, Epitopes | Sch c 1, Sch c 1.0101
Sources | Agaricus alneus, Agaricus multifidus, Apus alneus, Fungi, Merulius communis, Mushrooms, Schizophyllaceae, Schizophyllum alneum, Schizophyllum commune, Schizophyllum multifidum, Split Gill Fungus
| ... other Source Terms in available Languages -> |  |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Sch c - 5334 - NCBI, Sch c - 5334 - UniProt, Sch c - Discover Life, Sch c - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Schizophyllum commune on Google images | Tissues | Spore
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
References | Biochemistry 2013: 20131230, Toyomote T
2010: 20100910, Ohm RA
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2013: 20131230, Toyomote T
Detection - Outdoor Environment 2014: 20140411, Oh SY
2012: 20120405, Yamamoto N
Diagnosis 2014: 20140703, Ishiguro T
- 20140424, Ogawa H
- 20140301, Masafumi S
2013: 20131230, Toyomote T
- 20131014, Ogawa H
- 20131014, Chowdhary A
- 20130721, Matsuse H
- 20130603, Ogawa H
- 20130319, Chowdhary A
2012: 20120905, Won EJ
- 20120528, Ogawa H
- 20120425, Ogawa H
- 20120424, Chowdhary A
2011: 20111209, Ogawa H
- 20111018, Ogawa H
- 20110907, Ishiguro T
- 20110509, Ogawa H
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20141202, Greenberger PA
- 20141121, Woolnough K
- 20140909, Chowdhary A
- 20140416, Denning DW
2011: 20110726, Agarwal R