Entry date | December 4, 2011 17:11 +1GMT
| Last update | April 1, 2019 15:39 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 9834
Name | Tri a 37
Common Names | alpha-Purothionin, Pur-B1, Purothionin
Biological Function | Thionins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Tri a 37.0101
Links to Molecule Sequences | Tri a 37 - J7K291 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - P01543 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - P01544 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - P32032 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - Q43205 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - Q53WS1 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - Q9S6Y2 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37 - Q9T0P2 - UNIPROT, Tri a 37.0101 - Q9T0P1 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Tri a - Discover Life, Tri a - 2237 - ITIS, Tri a - 4565 - NCBI, Tri a - 4565 - UniProt, Tri a - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Triticum aestivum on Google images | Tissues | Seed
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20141104, Pahr S
- 20140311, Lupi R
2013: 20130701, Pahr S
1998: 19981010, Van Campenhout S
1995: 19950809, Stec B
1977: 19771229, Ohtani S
1976: 19760125, Mak AS
1975: 19751010, Ohtani S
Molecular Biology 2014: 20141104, Pahr S
2013: 20130701, Pahr S
1998: 19981010, Van Campenhout S
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20141104, Pahr S
2013: 20130701, Pahr S
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2014: 20140311, Lupi R
2013: 20130701, Pahr S
Diagnosis 2014: 20140604, Marth K
2013: 20131028, Lupinek C
- 20130701, Pahr S
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140617, Balinska-Miskiewicz W
- 20140610, Nawrot R