Entry date | February 14, 2004 19:43 +1GMT
| Last update | August 9, 2016 15:45 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 1289
Name | Hom s ALA
Common Names | alpha-Lactalbumin, HLA
Biological Function | Albumins
Links to Molecule Sequences | Hom s Lactalbumin - P00709 - UNIPROT
Links to Molecule Structure | Hom s Lactalbumin - 1A4V - PDB
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Hom s - Discover Life, Hom s - 180092 - ITIS, Hom s - 9606 - NCBI, Hom s - 9606 - UniProt, Hom s - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Homo sapiens on Google images | Tissues | Milk
Routes of Exposure | Auto-Allergen, Ingestion
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20140331, Lollier V
- 20140212, Saadaoui B
2011: 20110926, Jarvinen KM
- 20110202, Potocnik K
2010: 20100513, Inglingstad R
2009: 20091228, Bertino E
2008: 20081128, Wang J
- 20081107, Poth AG
2004: 20040831, Chowdhury FA
1999: 1999, Maynard F
1977: 19770527, White TJ
Molecular Biology 2008: 20081128, Wang J
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2011: 20110926, Jarvinen KM
2010: 20100923, Hochwallner H
2007: 20071029, Schulmeister U
2004: 20040214, Makinen-Kiljunen S
1999: 1999, Maynard F
1997: 1997, Cantisani A
Detection - Source Tissues 2011: 20110202, Potocnik K
Detection - Body Biodistribution 1994: 1994, Kuitunen M
Diagnosis 2011: 20110926, Jarvinen KM
2010: 20100923, Hochwallner H
2004: 20040214, Makinen-Kiljunen S
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140210, Raikos V
- 20140123, Tsabouri S
2013: 20130708, Roncada P
2012: 20120101, Salimeri E
2011: 20111018, Cunsolo V
2010: 20101207, Fiocchi A
- 20100606, Uniacke-Lowe T
- 20100424, Fiocchi A
2009: 20090706, Restani P
- 20090504, Jarvinen KM
2007: 20070203, Crameri R
2005: 20051223, Crittenden RG
2004: 20041010, Chatterton DE
2003: 2003, Taylor S
2002: 2002, Malacarne M
1998: 1998, de Wit JN