Entry date | June 25, 2004 19:25 +1GMT
| Last update | April 6, 2018 05:47 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 1474
Name | Tri a Peroxidase
Common Names | Peroxidase
Biological Function | Peroxidases
Links to Molecule Sequences | Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6E5 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6E6 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6E7 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6E8 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6E9 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6F0 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6F1 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6F2 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6F3 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - B4F6F4 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ES53 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETA3 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETA4 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETA5 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETA7 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETA8 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB1 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB2 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB3 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB5 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB6 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - C6ETB7 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q05855 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q41577 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q43212 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q43218 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q43219 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q43220 - UNIPROT, Tri a Peroxidase - Q8LLM5 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Tri a - Discover Life, Tri a - 2237 - ITIS, Tri a - 4565 - NCBI, Tri a - 4565 - UniProt, Tri a - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Triticum aestivum on Google images | Tissues | Seed
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2011: 20110511, Sander I
2010: 20100202, Lehto M
2008: 20080616, Sancho AI
- 20080314, Sotkovsky P
2001: 2001, Watanabe J
Molecular Biology 2011: 20110511, Sander I
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2011: 20110511, Sander I
2010: 20100202, Lehto M
2008: 20080314, Sotkovsky P
2001: 2001, Watanabe J
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2008: 20080616, Sancho AI
Diagnosis 2014: 20140915, Rodriguez del Rio P
2011: 20110511, Sander I
2010: 20100202, Lehto M
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140610, Pasha I
2012: 20120208, Sapone A
2011: 20110405, Salcedo G
2009: 20090325, Inomata N
2008: 20080924, Tatham AS
2005: 20050417, Baur X