Entry date | September 24, 2002 12:00 +1GMT
| Last update | March 20, 2018 07:23 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 279
Name | Cyn d 12
Common Names | a3233, Profilin
Biological Function | Actin-binding porotein, Actin-binding Proteins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Cyn d 12.0101
Links to Molecule Sequences | Cyn d 12.0101 - O04725 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Cyn d - 28909 - NCBI, Cyn d - 28909 - UniProt, Cyn d - 41619 - ITIS, Cyn d - Discover Life, Cyn d - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Cynodon dactylon on Google images | Tissues | Pollen
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20140728, Shi H
2013: 20131031, Bonura A
2012: 20120720, Santiago HC
2008: 20081027, Ivanciuc O
2007: 20070907, Soeria-Atmadja D
2006: 20060606, Radauer C
- 20060102, Radauer C
2005: 20050914, Sankian M
- 20050830, Kao SH
- 20050323, Asturias JA
- 20050108, Jenkins JA
2004: 20041129, Burastero SE
- 20040723, Tao AL
- 20040601, Asturias JA
- 20040113, Haeberle HA
2003: 20031104, Raftery MJ
2001: 2001a, Ganglberger E
- 2001, Ye Q
1998: 1998, Vallverdu A
1997: 1997c, Asturias JA
... complete Reference listing ->
Molecular Biology 1997: 1997c, Asturias JA
- 1997a, Asturias JA
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2008: 20080831, Sankian M
2005: 20050914, Sankian M
- 20050830, Kao SH
2004: 20040601, Asturias JA
2002: 2002, Asturias JA
1999: 1999a, Asturias JA
1998: 1998b, Niederberger V
- 1998a, Asturias JA
1997: 1997c, Asturias JA
- 1997a, Asturias JA
- 1997, Arilla MC
1992: 1992, Vallier P
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2008: 20080831, Sankian M
1999: 1999a, Asturias JA
Epidemiology 2011: 20110916, Scala E
Diagnosis 2013: 20130111, Ott H
2012: 20121030, Romano A
- 20120807, Lupinek C
2011: 20110916, Scala E
- 20110627, Lizaso MT
- 20110223, De Knop KJ
2010: 20100814, Leiria-Pinto P
- 20100210, van der Walt A
2007: 20071212, Rossi RE
- 20071106, Untersmayr E
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140401, Davies JM
- 20140103, Songnuan W
2013: 20131218, Lavaud F
- 20131126, Landa-Pineda CM
2012: 20120517, Bokszczanin KL
2011: 20110204, Santos A
2010: 20100118, Hauser M
2009: 20091108, Kondo Y
- 20090328, Ferrer M
2008: 20080208, Moreno-Aguilar C
2007: 20070914, Weber RW
- 20070226, Fontaine JF
- 20070203, Schein CH
2006: 20061027, Tripathi P
2005: 20051104, Weber RW
- 20050812, Mohapatra SS
2004: 20041031, Esch RE
- 20040930, Weber RW
- 20040309, Ferreira F
2003: 2003, Weber RW
... complete Reference listing -> |