Entry date | August 20, 2009 17:53 +1GMT
| Last update | September 1, 2019 21:49 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 7686
Name | Lat c 1
Common Names | CBP, Parvalbumin, Parvalbumin beta
Biological Function | Calcium-binding Proteins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Lat c 1.0101, Lat c 1.0201
Links to Molecule Sequences | Lat c 1 - Q6ITV0 - UNIPROT, Lat c 1.0101 - Q5IRB2 - UNIPROT, Lat c 1.0201 - Q6ITU9 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Lat c - 167669 - ITIS, Lat c - 8187 - NCBI, Lat c - 8187 - UniProt, Lat c - Discover Life, Lat c - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Lates calcarifer on Google images | Tissues | Muscle
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20141202, Sharp MF
- 20140628, Sharp MF
2013: 20131106, Saptarshi SR
- 20130501, Lapteva YS
2009: 20090720, Beale JE
2006: 20060531, Xu YX
Molecular Biology 2014: 20140628, Sharp MF
2006: 20060531, Xu YX
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20141202, Sharp MF
- 20140628, Sharp MF
2013: 20131106, Saptarshi SR
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140411, Kuehn A